The AO Scan is an awesome frequency generator that, as you already know, can be used on people and objects. But did you know it can also be used for pets?

Keep scrolling to read the whole article, or watch this video instead:

Creating a Pet Profile

This is your first step. To do this, you’ll need to go to the home page and tap on your name -or your client’s. This will show you a drop-down menu where you’ll need to tap “Pets/Animals”.

Then, add your pet’s name, breed, and all the information you have available.

When you get to the “Pet ID” tab, you have two options:

  • Purchase and use the Solex pet collar that has a unique ID number to identify the pet user.

  • Use any ID number associated with your pup: microchip, tag number, etc.

Add your pet’s photo, and finish creating their profile.

Performing a Vitals Scan

To do a Vitals Scan on your pet, go to the home page and select “Vitals”.

On the Vitals page, change the scan target by tapping on your profile -or your client’s. This will show you a little menu where you’ll be able to choose who to target the scan to.

For this demonstration, I am doing a Vitals Scan for Kona, the loveliest poodle I’ve met!

The AO Scan will let you choose which Vitals you’d like to scan, but I recommend you leave every vital on the list checked. Then, hit the green button at the top that says “Scan”. The Scan will run for a few minutes. You can have the scanner right beside your pet, there are no risks.

Once the scan is done, you’ll get a full report of the scanned pet. This report will give you an insight into their health, body systems, and even chakras. To read the number-coded results, remember:

  • 5 is optimal

  • 9 is overactive

  • 1 is sluggish

Pay attention to the results in red. Keep note of those and, as you keep scanning your pet over time, see if they’re consistent. These consistent red results could be flagging a more severe health issue.

Balancing Harmonics

Along with the report, the AO Scan will generate some audio for the pet to listen to.

This works as balancing tunes. As you might remember, we all are made of frequencies, and sometimes they’re imbalanced -too high or too low. The Balancing Harmonics work in unison with your body’s frequencies to keep them balanced and functioning correctly. The same principle applies to pets and all living beings!

So turn the volume up and play the Balancing Harmonics for your pet. They need to be able to listen to them at a comfortable volume.

Extra Support

If there’s a body area your pet needs extra support with, perform a Comprehensive Scan. Think of this as an MRI or a CT Scan.

For this step, you’ll need to manually select the scan target again. Remember: tap your name and choose the right target.

I recommend you perform this scan on your pet every 5-6 months.

Tap the “Scan” button at the top, and then hit the “Optimize” button once the scan is over.

Keep Record

Hit the little mail icon at the bottom right corner to send the reports directly to your email. It’s always great to keep a record of your life, especially when it comes to your health. Same with your pet!

So be sure you’re keeping a record of these scans.

Keep Exploring

All of the scans and programs in the AO Scan are more than safe to use on everyone, pets too! So keep exploring the different programs and scans, and use them on your pet to offer them support and optimize their bodies.

Quick warning: you’ll find some programs that are not quite suitable for pets as we have different body parts and systems, so it’s better to just skip those ;)

For more information, content, examples, and for a quicker response, please visit my Instagram page.

Thank you for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day!

Love and light, Julie Anna.
