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New Zealand wow.jpg

wellness starts from within

Healing hearts, grounding identity, empowering lives!


wellness starts from within

Healing hearts, grounding identity, empowering lives!

are you Ready to experience breakthrough that lasts?

The standard for our method is:

simple, transformational, sustainable, non-invasive and unique-to-you


AO Scan Mobile

The future of wellness has arrived.

AO Scan Mobile

The future of wellness has arrived.



The AO Scan Mobile helps you get a closer look at your emotional, biological, and physical well-being from an energetic perspective, and helps you restore balance to your overall health at a quantum level!

“I have had problems sleeping for 15+ years. I wake a minimum twice a night and sometimes every 1-2 hours. I ran “Sleep Well” last night plus reduced my RX intake by 1mg. I went to bed at midnight and woke at 6am.

I was so shocked I had to look twice at the clock. You can just imagine how much my body will be able to heal! I’m so grateful!”

—Patty Radford.

“Since I have been using the AO Scan Mobile Device, I have seen amazing things happen in my family.Mum had severe pain in her back last weekend after gardening and could hardly walk. Within 24 hours of using the device her pain was gone. It also help clear her edema in her left leg!”

—Helen Morgan.





It all started when…


“Helping others on a foundational level has always been an obsession of mine. From my early teenage years I started to believe for supernatural healing, but became frustrated with the varying results. I knew that I knew that I knew healing was possible in ways beyond what could be physically measured. This curiosity literally led me around and around the world - through over 40 countries! I witnessed many extremes from the killing fields of Cambodia to the child prostitution in India to the endless consumerism in America. Ultimately I was asking, how do we help people start to live from the best of their being in simple, sustainable ways that honors uniqueness and is true regardless of culture or economic status?

My first discovery of a program that brought easy and radical transformation came out of New Zealand in the form of Life Code Matrix. I was in shock and awe as I experienced it myself. Identity could be clarified using the participant’s own words, not based on a test. It also used a modality I’d always been intrigued with: intrinsic motivation - how our 6 senses lead us to the purest form of goodness. The program was radical in it’s simplicity: only two sessions to complete! I immediately went through the training to become an LCM Navigator and was proud to be the first American to bring this outstanding experience to the USA.

As I continued to ask the deeper questions, I explored many other programs but often kept moving along as it wasn’t answering all of my core questions. I’m grateful for the many modalities that are bringing healing in various forms, but I’m tenacious for the best of the best.

When I listened to the audiobook, The Emotion Code, I’d often have to stop it and to sit there joyfully astonished. So many questions I’d had were answered as I learned the simple process and immediately began practicing on myself. Before I really understood what I was doing, my Heart Wall was removed. However I still wondered how REAL this work really was. Two months later, my life shifted naturally and was totally different. I said no the the career that wasn’t a great fit for me, embarked on heart desires that had always been there, and with shocking boldness started communicating what I want and needed with new clarity. It was like the ways I self-deceive completely evaporated. As I went through my training to become an Emotion Code Practitioner, all doubts disappeared. The overflow of this work manifests in healing of many kinds!

Energy healing took on a whole new meaning when I discovered frequency generating devices - specifically the AO Scan Mobile. At the time I was suffering from a physical issue I could not resolve and was desperate for healing. When a friend suggested I try using the AO Scan Mobile, I was skeptical as I wondered how a device could actually work to create more balance int he body. After 5 days of frequencies, I was no longer suffering from that issue at all! Since then I’ve seen amazing results helping clients with frequency sessions. This evolved into training a community of those using the AO Scan Mobile in their own home!

It’s my pleasure and honor to meet with clients and see them experience new freedom, strength, and joyful authenticity that they didn’t know they had access to. I am SO GRATEFUL to get to facilitate this amazing, transformative work!

Julie Anna Ceglia, CECP, LCMN